only now, years later, do I see how the substance’s potency was multiplied by what came after this moment.
in light of the future that followed this time, the film contains a final freedom and a profound sense of ease, almost a naïveté. it is an archive of a way of being in the world that ended for me shortly after this mountain trip, as the visceral understanding of interconnectedness and of time illusions seeped in with the pandemic.
the song is Dreams from Yesterday - Demo by Mac DeMarco
these are the lyrics:
Once your dreams
Come knocking at your door
It's time to realize
You aren't dreaming anymore
And once your life is set to settle down
Take a look around you
No more dreaming to be found
So why, then, are you crying?
It was you who denied them
And no amount of tears
Could roll back all the years
Bring back all your dreams from yesterday
[Verse 2]
Once a life believes it's got it set up
A closer look reveals
Just how empty you can feel
Once a dream
Is finally put to bed
Rest up, sleepyhead
You might as well be dead
So why, then, are you crying?
It was you who denied them
And no amount of tears
Could roll back all the years
Bring back all your dreams from yesterday